Industrial glue

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Glue is one of the components that binds the industry. And without this important substance, many industries and products could not continue their activities.
Glue is a substance that is usually used to connect two or more different surfaces together. Industrial adhesives usually have higher adhesive strength. And for this reason, it is used for professional and heavy use. There are different types of industrial glue. Each of them connects different levels with a special mechanism.
Some industrial adhesives do this through physical or interfacial bonding. And some other chemical reactions such as van der Waals bonds strengthen the surfaces to each other.
Industrial adhesives are generally one of the most widely used materials used in various industries and usually most people are familiar with one or more types of industrial adhesives. But these products also have a high variety, and therefore sometimes choosing the right glue can be challenging.

What is industrial glue made of?

The raw materials used to make industrial adhesives are actually polymer materials.
Synthetic polymers such as epoxy, amine, phenolic and silicone resins, polyurethane, neoprene, polysulfides, polyvinyl acetate, polyacrylates and others are among the raw materials that are widely used today to make all kinds of industrial adhesives.
These polymers establish very strong covalent bonds with each other, and this is the reason for the high adhesive properties of this type of glue.
Solvents are another important ingredient used in most industrial adhesives. Solvents cause viscosity in adhesives.
Stabilizers, fillers, thickeners, softeners and anti-foaming agents are other compounds used in industrial adhesives.

Application of industrial glue

As we mentioned, most people, especially men, get to know at least one type of industrial glue during their life.
If you have ever been involved in construction work, repairs, or things like this, you have probably bought industrial glue.
Industrial adhesives are used in many industries such as shoes, carton making, furniture making, or larger and more serious industries such as automobile manufacturing and aircraft manufacturing on a daily basis.
One of the first sectors of the industry that turned to the use of industrial adhesives was the air and space industry, which by using this chemical substance was able to experience great progress in the production of airplanes and aviation equipment. The strong structure of industrial adhesives and high resistance to wear and tear offers has caused the industry to constantly need this material. You may think that the job of glue is to stick! Yes, it is true, but industrial adhesives have a variety of uses that are not limited to this issue.
For example, there are sealing adhesives that can be used to fill the seams of tiles and different surfaces, or to insulate or so-called seal against oxidation and corrosion. Some industrial adhesives are used for thermal and electrical insulation or to fill various grooves. Placed. Industrial adhesives usually do not have any special restrictions, and if you have chosen the right option, you can use them to glue together metal, plastic, composite, foam, elastomer, wood, glass, ceramic, and anything else you can think of.

Types of industrial glue

Usually, industrial adhesives are classified based on their chemical composition, application or bonding mechanism of different surfaces.
Chemically, silicone, epoxy, and polyurethane types are among the most common industrial adhesives available in the market. This type of industrial glue can be used for iron, paper, glass, stone, wood, etc.
Industrial adhesives are divided into structural and non-structural categories according to the type of application. Structural adhesives are used to connect the components of structures that are under a lot of force.
These types of adhesives keep the surfaces well together and have good resistance against tensile, compressive or shearing forces.
But on the opposite side, non-structural adhesives are used for weak and not so strong joints.
These types of adhesives have very little resistance against external forces and are usually used for installing flooring, wall paper, sealing, plastering, preventing gas penetration, or similar things.

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